A step by step Arch Linux installation guide

Many Linux users are stopped from using Arch Linux because they cannot install it. This Arch Linux installation guide will solve this problem. It shows the whole Arch Linux installation process step by step.

Arch Linux Installation live boot
Arch Linux Installation live boot


UEFI or legacy mode?

There are two possible options of Arch Linux installation:

  • legacy mode
  • UEFI mode

I personally think that the Arch Linux installation in the legacy mode is more conservative, simpler, and reliable. However, the UEFI mode is more up-to-date and some modern hardware supports only the UEFI installation.

This Arch Linux installation guide will use the UEFI mode, but I will point out the steps and commands that are different for the legacy mode. So, regardless of what mode you choose, this guide will help you to install Arch Linux with a minimal graphical environment.

The UEFI means Unified Extensible Firmware Interface and here are some of its benefits:

  • UEFI replaces the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) interface.
  • UEFI is compatible with GPT tables.
  • It supports larger hard drives.
  • It is more configurable and, as a result, it boots faster.

Also, I will use a GUID Partition Table (GPT). It is more advanced than a master boot record (MBR) partitions. It works with volumes larger than 2TB and supports up to 128 partitions. However, if you decide to do the legacy installation, use the MBR table.

So, let’s get started with the detailed Arch Linux UEFI installation guide.

Before you start

Download Arch Linux ISO

First, download the Arch Linux installation ISO from the Arch Linux website.

You can download the torrent file or use the direct link. Just find your country and click on the link. Among the variety of files, choose the ISO archlinux-xxxx.xx.xx-x86_64.iso and signature archlinux-xxxx.xx.xx-x86_64.iso.sig files:

download arch linux iso
Download the Arch Linux ISO

When the ISO is downloaded, you need to check its signature to make sure it has not been compromised:

gpg --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify /path/to/archlinux.iso.sig

If you see “Good signature from …“, this means everything is alright:

ISO Checksums verification

Next, you need to write it to your USB flash drive. Open the Linux terminal and use the following command:

dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync

where /path/to/archlinux.iso is the path to your downloaded ISO file; /dev/sdx is your flash drive. You can find out this name with the command sudo fdisk -l and the size of your USB flash drive.

Alternatively, you can use a graphical program to write ISO to a USB.

Practice your Arch Linux installation in VirtualBox

You may try the Arch Linux on a virtual machine first. It will help you to experience the installation and avoid errors in the future real installations. To run the Arch Linux in VirtualBox, do the following steps.

  1. Create a new machine and name it Arch Linux.
  2. Give it 2GB of RAM. If you lack the RAM on your PC, keep it at 1GGB.
  3. Create a new hard disk. Select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) and dynamically allocated size.
  4. Give the VDI 20GB and click Create.
  5. Click on the Settings icon. In the System tab, enable the UEFI mode.
  6. Click on the Start icon or just double-click on the Arch Linux.
  7. Specify the path to the downloaded Arch Linux ISO.
VirtualBox in the EFI mode
VirtualBox in the EFI mode

The boot process of live Arch Linux in the UEFI mode can be very slow. If you just see the back screen, this is normal. Just wait some time. When the system is loaded, and you can start the Arch Linux installation.

Arch Linux installation

Check network connection

First of all, check the internet connection. I recommend you to use a wired connection. To check if your internet works, you need to ping to any server, for example, the Arch Linux website:

ping -c 3 archlinux.org
Test Arch Linux connection with ping
Test Arch Linux connection with ping

If you are not sure what interfaces are available, use

ip link

If you use a wired connection, it is usually picked up automatically. Wi-Fi requires some additional settings. For Wi-Fi, launch iwctl prompt:


List available devices:

device list

You should see your Wi-Fi available with a name like wlan0.

Scan for networks and list available Wi-Fi networks:

station wlan0 scan #this command outputs nothing
station wlan0 get-networks

Finally, to connect to your Wi-Fi network:

station wlan0 connect my_wifi_name

You will be requested to enter the passphrase of your Wi-Fi and your Wi-Fi connection will be established.

Exit the iwctl and test the connection again:

ping -c 3 archlinux.org

Here is the screenshot of how I executed these commands to configure Wi-Fi in my Arch Linux installation session:

arch install session connecting to Wi-Fi

Mobile broadband modems can be configured with the mmcli utility. Unfortunately, I have no mobile broadband modem to demonstrate it.


The next step in our Arch Linux installation guide is to partition the hard drive.

List the available partitions and disks:


Most probably, you will have only two hard drives:

  • the USB drive with the Arch Linux ISO
  • your computer HDD/SSD.

If you have several hard drives, use fdisk to look at their size and define which one you want to use for the Arch Linux installation.

fdisk -l

If you already have a partition table, skip this step. If your hard drive is brand-new as in the case of a virtual machine or you want to re-partition your hard drive, run this command to create a new partition table:

cfdisk /dev/sda

Note! Back up all your data, because creating a new partition table will erase everything from a drive.

In the label type window, select GPT.

Avalible partition types
Select GPT partition

Legacy mode! If you do the legacy installation, choose the dos partition type and do not create the UEFI partition.

Use the arrow keys and Enter to create 3 partitions with cfdisk:

  • /dev/sda1 # choose 512Mb of space (UEFI)
  • /dev/sda2 # choose at least 10 GB of space (root)
  • /dev/sda3 # choose all the left space (home)

Write the table to your hard drive and quit.

If you are not familiar with cfdisk, watch the video tutorial above.

Now, list the partitions again:


The /dev/sda disk should have three partitions. We need to format them.

The first partition is the UEFI partition. It needs to be formatted with a FAT file system:

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1

Legacy mode! If you do the legacy installation, skip the step of UEFI formatting because you should not have the UEFI partition.

The other two partitions can be formatted in any Linux file system. I recommend using EXT4:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Next, mount the root partition:

mount /dev/sda2 /mnt

Create a folder to mount the home partition and mount it:

mkdir /mnt/home
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home

Check mounting points whether they were created successfully:


Note, the root mounting point is the folder where the system will be installed.

Install the system

Now, we start the installation process by installing the minimal Arch Linux system:

pacstrap -i /mnt base linux linux-firmware sudo nano

When the system requests to choose the components to install, select all and yes. Wait some time until it completes.

Generate fstab file

Next step in this Arch Linux installation guide is to generate the fstab file:

genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

To learn what -U and -p mean, type genfstab -help to see the description of these options.

Chroot to the installed system

Next, chroot (change root) to your system that is mounted to /mnt using the BASH environment:

arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
Arch Linux Installation: chroot

You change your live ISO environment to the root environment of the installed Arch system. This way, you access the system as a root user. A bit later, you will also add the regular user.

Set locale

To set the localization, you will have to work in Nano editor. Type:

nano /etc/locale.gen

and press Enter.

Find the language you are going to use. In my case, I am going to install American English. Activate the search option by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + W (the shortcuts are listed at the bottom of the screen) and type #en_US. Press Enter.

Search for #en_US in Nano
Search for #en_US in Nano

You should jump to the line #en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

Uncomment it by removing the # sign. Press Ctrl+O Enter to save and Ctrl+X Enter to exit the editor.

Next, you have to generate the locale. Run:


And create the locale.conf with corresponding language settings:

echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf

Set the time zone

To set the time zone, type:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/

and press the Tab key to see all the available options. In my case, I need to use Europe. Again, you can press the Tab key, and you will see all the available cities. I will use Stockholm. Save this link to /etc/localtime. The final command will look as follows:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm /etc/localtime

Instead of Europe and Stockholm, you can select your region and time zone.

Set local time

To set the time for the system, run this command:

hwclock --systohc --utc

And check the time:


If the time is incorrect, go back and make sure you have set the timezone correctly.

Set hostname

A hostname is the computer’s name. Let’s name it archPC. Use the following command:

echo archPC > /etc/hostname

You also need to add this name to the /etc/hosts file. Type:

nano /etc/hosts

and press Enter.

In the Nano editor, add these lines at the end of the file:        localhost
::1              localhost        archPC

If you use a static IP address, replace with your static IP address given by the Internet provider. Press Ctrl+O Enter and Ctrl+X Enter to save and exit the editor.

Enable network

First, install the network manager:

pacman -S networkmanager

Then enable it:

systemctl enable NetworkManager
Enable the Network Manager in Arch Linux
Enable the Network Manager

Now, the system will be able to run a network manager at the system boot and connect to the Internet automatically. Remember, these settings work only for the wired internet connection.

Set root password

Next, set the root password. Type:


and type your password twice. Be attentive, as you will see nothing while typing.

Set password during Arch Linux Installation
Set password

Install GRUB

There are several bootloaders you can install on Arch Linux. I recommend the GRUB bootloader. It is the most popular, highly configurable and easy to use bootloader.

Install the GRUB bootloader and EFI boot manager packages:

pacman -S grub efibootmgr

Next, using these packages, install the bootlader on your system and generate its configuration files by running these commands one by one:

mount --mkdir /dev/efi_system_partition /boot/efi
lsblk # to check if everything is mounted correctly
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
GRUB installation in Arch Linux
GRUB installation

Legacy mode! If you do the legacy installation, install the GRUB in this way:

pacman -S grub
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Basically, the minimal installation of Arch Linux is complete.


Next, exit from the system root account, unmount all mounted partitions and reboot the system by running these commands:

umount -R /mnt

If you did everything correctly, after the reboot, you will see the GRUB welcome screen with Arch Linux installed.

GRUB screen with Arch Linux
GRUB screen with Arch Linux

To continue, log in as a root user with a previously set password.

Arch Linux root login
Log in as a root user

Swap File

You probably have noticed that I have not created a Swap partition. This is because I recommend to use a Swap file. Let’s create a swap file for this Arch Linux installation too.

Create a Swap file of 3G or whatever your RAM size is:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=3072 status=progress

Change its access rules, format and enable it:

chmod 0600 /swapfile
mkswap -U clear /swapfile
swapon /swapfile

Also, add this Swap file to the /etc/fstab:

echo '/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

And check if the Swap file is working:

free -m

output of free -m

Add user

It is not a good idea to constantly work from the root account. So, after the login, create a user account:

useradd -m -g users -G wheel -s /bin/bash username

Write your name instead of username.

Also, create a password for the new user:

passwd username

Instead of username, use the name you created in the previous step. Type the password twice.

Arch Linux Installation: Set the user password
Set the user password

Next, enable sudo privileges for a newly created user:

EDITOR=nano visudo

Using the arrow keys, scroll down the screen and find the line:

# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Uncomment it, by removing the # sign.

Arch Linux Installation: %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
Uncomment %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Press Ctrl+O Enter to save and Ctrl+X Enter to exit the editor.

Now, exit the system by running the command:


And log in with the regular user credentials which you have just created.

Install X window system and audio

To make the new system usable, install X Window System and audio. I will install XFCE as a desktop environment example.

pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa xorg xorg-xinit xorg-server

When you press Enter, the system will offer to choose the components to install. Just press Enter twice to apply the default settings. After that, the system will request to choose the driver for the video card:

Arch Linux video driver options
Arch Linux video driver options

If you have a discrete video graphic card, select the second option. When you use the integrated Intel video card, select the first option. The utility will install many packages. Wait some time until it completes.

If you install the system on VirtualBox, also install guest addition:

pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils

Install desktop environment

I install XFCE desktop as an example of the graphical interface:

pacman -S xfce4 lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
echo "exec startxfce4" > ~/.xinitrc
systemctl enable lightdm

Xinit file allows to start an Xorg display server automatically.

You can also install other desktops:

Plasma 5:

I showed how to install and configure Plasma 5 in Arch Linux previously.


echo "exec gnome-session" > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S gnome


echo "exec cinnamon-session" > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S cinnamon mdm
systemctl enable mdm


echo "exec mate-session" > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S mate lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
systemctl enable lightdm


Unity installation is tricky - see the Arch Linux Wiki.


echo "export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Budgie:GNOME" > ~/.xinitrc
echo "exec budgie-desktop" >> ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S budgie-desktop lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
systemctl enable lightdm


echo "exec openbox-session" > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S openbox lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
systemctl enable lightdm


echo "exec i3"  > ~/.xinitrc
pacman -S i3 rxvt-unicode dmenu


echo "exec awesome"  > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S awesome


echo "exec startdde"  > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S deepin

Also, edit the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to have this line:



echo "exec startlxde"  > ~/.xinitrc
sudo pacman -S lxdm-gtk3 lxdm

I would like to point out that I have not tested all these desktops. In particular, some Login Managers may not work with a given desktop. For the full list of Login Managers look at Arch Linux Wiki and try the one you like.

Start GUI

To test whether your graphical environment works, run:


The system must launch the graphical interface.

Arch Linux with the default Xfce desktop
The default Xfce desktop

To further check that everything works fine, shut down the system and start it again. Hopefully, it will boot again and you will be able to log in.

Arch Linux installation is done!

This is a very minimal installation. From this point, you can install what you want and configure your Arch Linux as you want.

So, this step by step Arch Linux installation guide is over. As you can see, the Arch Linux installation process is a little complicated but manageable. This system is still not complete and you will need to install many more packages and configure it. Nevertheless, the most difficult part is done and you have a good starting point.

Do you want to share your experience or have any questions about how to install Arch Linux? Leave your comment below.

Average Linux User
Average Linux User I am the founder of the Average Linux User project, which is a hobby I work on at night. During the day I am a scientist who uses computers to analyze genetic data.



Hi, I followed the video and when I rebooted and continued the instructions in the video I got to this problem. Ididnt have internet and the command iwctl gave me bash: iwctl: command not found. So how do i connct to my wireless network? I dont have cabel…


for UEFI systems; I recommend installing the bootloader like this

$ rm -rf /boot $ mkdir /boot $ mount /dev/sda1 /boot $ pacman -S linux efibootmgr $ mkinitcpio -p linux $ bootctl –path=/boot install $ nano /boot/loader/loader.conf

File: /boot/loader/loader.conf

timeout 0 console-mode 0 default arch editor 0

(save the file and exit nano)

echo $(blkid /dev/sda2) > /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

$ nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

you will see something like this in the file:

/dev/sda2: UUID=”ed46a94b-90cf-4069-a501-afdbeb6364a2” TYPE=”ext4” PARTUUID=”93ecd4b1-93c3-6f41-b8e1-4aab53057a2e”

remove all of it except for the UUID section ; keep the double quotes

File: /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

title Arch Linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img linux /vmlinuz-linux options root=UUID=(your UUID)

(replace (your UUID) with your UUID) (save the file and exit nano)

the bootloader is installed.


for UEFI systems; I recommend installing the bootloader like this

$ rm -rf /boot $ mkdir /boot $ mount /dev/sda1 /boot $ pacman -S linux efibootmgr $ mkinitcpio -p linux $ bootctl –path=/boot install $ nano /boot/loader/loader.conf

File: /boot/loader/loader.conf

timeout 0 console-mode 0 default arch editor 0

(save the file and exit nano)

echo $(blkid /dev/sda2) > /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

$ nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

you will see something like this in the file:

/dev/sda2: UUID=”ed46a94b-90cf-4069-a501-afdbeb6364a2” TYPE=”ext4” PARTUUID=”93ecd4b1-93c3-6f41-b8e1-4aab53057a2e”

remove all of it except for the UUID section ; keep the double quotes

File: /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

title Arch Linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img linux /vmlinuz-linux options root=UUID=(your UUID)

(replace (your UUID) with your UUID)

the bootloader is installed


for UEFI systems; I recommend installing the bootloader like this

$ rm-rf /boot $ mkdir /boot $ mount /dev/sda1 /boot $ pacman -S linux efibootmgr $ mkinitcpio -p linux $ bootctl –path=/boot install $ nano /boot/loader/loader.conf

File: /boot/loader/loader.conf

timeout 0 console-mode 0 default arch editor 0

(save the file and exit nano)

echo $(blkid /dev/sda2) > /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

$ nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

you will see something like this in the file:

/dev/sda2: UUID=”ed46a94b-90cf-4069-a501-afdbeb6364a2” TYPE=”ext4” PARTUUID=”93ecd4b1-93c3-6f41-b8e1-4aab53057a2e”

remove all of it except for the UUID section ; keep the double quotes

File: /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

title Arch Linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img linux /vmlinuz-linux options root=UUID=(your UUID)

(replace (your UUID) with your UUID)

the bootloader is installed


Thanks for the great guide! So far I managed to work out everything on Virtualbox.

But when I go to the terminal and type “lsblk”, somehow my sda1 is not mounted to anything, not even /boot/efi. Is this normal or I should change something?


The /etc/hosts file is incorecct.

here is an example of a correct /etc/hosts file.

#(hostname)# localhost ::1 localhost (hostname).localdomain (hostname)


I would install base-devel and use linux-lts or linux-zen as the kernel and install a command line filemanager and browser

. I would also enable gpm to get a mouse cursor in console mode

###### $ systemctl enable gpm ######

Brian Farnell

Brian Farnell

Great tutorial, this really helped me get started! On i3wm… Better install instructions would be “pacman -S i3 rxvt-unicode dmenu” and then accept all when it offers choices for i3. The package i3 is a package group that contains a few necessary things. You really can’t do much without a terminal and i3 comes configured to launch programs through dmenu so you should add rxvt-unicode and dmenu.


Hi, I'd just like to say thank you very much for your guide. I was able to install arch with the budgie desktop and your instructions were simple and quite easy to follow along. Do keep up the great work!


Does not work for me sadly. I did everything as it's written here but when I reboot it's booting into my usb. If I pull out the usb it says I need to insert an installation media. Strange…


Good tutorial, I used it in addition to the Arch Linux wiki. I tried tot install Cinnamon with mdm but mdm is no longer available as a package. You need to get it from the AUR repository. I didnt do that. I installed Cinnamon together with gdm.

Thanks a lot



Great tutorial! Tried several ways to install, including the GUI interfaces like Archfi and such, but still had trouble due to my computer's hardware. This really help as I was able to load the barest necessities and back-into the installation.

Thank you!

Below Average Linux User

Below Average Linux User

Great artice. I want to point out an issue I had - I installed on a laptop with no ethernet connection so had to use wifi. wifi-menu didn't manage to connect no matter what I tried, I eventually tried with iwd and managed quite easily by just following the instructions on Arch wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Iwd, one thing to note is that you have to configure dns also (which is also explained in the arch wiki)


Hi ALU! With the release of the Kernel 5.7.2, swapfiles created with fallocate do not longer work. I fixed the issue by removing my old swap file, which was created with fallocate, created a new one with dd and the issue disappeared. Check https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=256503 Cheers!


This is a great tutorial, however, if you're in uefi mode, after installing grub, you have to add a new boot option using efibootmgr using this line below: efibootmgr –create –disk /dev/sda –part 1 –loader /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi –label “Arch Linux” –verbose

Reference: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface#efibootmgr

Average Linux User

Average Linux User

Thank you for the information, Rais!

I installed the bootloader to the default EFI boot location with --removable in

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable

So, EFI will find the bootloader by default and there is no need to create a new boot option.

Didn't it work for you?

Reference: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface#UEFI_boot_loader_does_not_show_up_in_firmware_menu


You could have installed all the packages that you need using the pacstrap command,

$ pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware linux-headers sudo nano grub efibootmgr networkmanager xorg xorg-xinit xorg-server pulseaudio pulseudio-alsa virtualbox-guest-utils xfce lightdm firefox libreoffice

but why you didn’t ?


Thank you very much for the work done on this article and video, had to do it two times , but got it working, and most importably now understand concepts, terms, logic better.

Ricardo P. Silva

Ricardo P. Silva

I got no errors,.. and I have installed deepin DE, so at the very end, when I executed “startx” nothing happened and the GUI is not launched, and I see no errrors,..

any idea of what's going on?


Thank you very much. Your guide has made the install easy and your site is the one I come to for all my linux howto's. Just one thing…I see in the screenshot that “xorg-server” is already part of the “xorg” group. Is it necessary to list as a separate package when doing install?

Conor McGrory

Hi! I just installed Arch using this guide, and the only issue I had was that because the 'linux' package isn't included in 'base-devel' anymore, I wasn't able to set up the bootloader correctly. Installing the 'linux' package with pacman fixed this for me, but I think you could just add it to the 'pacstrap' command in the beginning, and everything would work.

Thanks for this guide!


You fucking saved me with this. I tried using the official guide, but got stuck at the bootloader part for it is not explained at all(merely states “you need a linux compatible bootloader”). Thanks to you I got both GRUB, which I know and love, and got it finally running after several frustrating hours.

Very grateful to you!


First of all - your guide simply the best. I’m completely new to linux and, in the end of the day, I have the system up and running. I’ve done it on dell xps 9350 laptop and faced the only not covered issue on my way - grub-mkconfig was not successful since it couldn’t find linux images. “pacman -S linux” heals it fast; however, I’m not sure why it wasn’t there after previously used “base-devel” command. Thanks!


Very, very,very precise guide to the installation of Arch Linux. One of the best on the internet for UEFI based computers…Macbooks.. especially older Macbooks.

ps. did i mention how precise it is?


You have a slight issue with your instructions.

You clearly state: In Nano editor, add these lines:

  1. bcfg boot add 1 fs0:\EFI\GRUB\grubx64.efi “My GRUB bootloader”
  2. exit

You do NOT want to put “exit” in the file. You want to only insert the first line.


I'he been using linux for a while, even set up Arch years ago. I've recently been trying to set up a pc to try out various tiling wm's, but have run into issues with the uefi. Your article was very helpful, however, I'm still unable to reboot into the installed system. The only thing that did not go exactly as described in you article was when I did the grub-install. I get the following error (twice). EFI variables are not supported on this system. When it's time to reboot, I get the live CD menu, I arrow down to “Boot existing OS”, but instead of getting a grub menu, I end up back at the live CD menu. I've tried looking for help on Arch wiki, but no joy so far.

Average Linux User

Average Linux User

There are several possible reasons for this error.

  1. Make sure your system is in UEFI. You should have the EFI partition.
  2. Disable Secure Boot in BIOS. See https://youtu.be/-a9DCjLMuMk?t=131
  3. If it is UEFI and Secure Boot is disabled. You can try mount efivarfs manually:
    mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

    See Mount_efivarfs



To check whether if it’s UEFI or CSM, you can just tell by the startup screen of the archiso, if it is CSM/BIOS, it will look much nicer and if it is UEFI, it will only be a black screen with some options. This method is much easier.

Sohrob Tahmasebi

Sohrob Tahmasebi

This was the first ever guide that actually worked for me, thank you for posting this! I feel as though the Arch Linux installation guide is sorely lacking in a lot of areas and assumes a lot of previous knowledge in order to complete a successful install but yours was very detailed and exact which I appreciate. I have one problem however, when I installed Arch I was unable to download any new packages. When I would use Pacman in the terminal to try and install something I would get a message saying something like “config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 9: directive 'United States' in section 'core' not recognized.” Do you know what could be going on and how I can fix it?

Average Linux User

Average Linux User

Thanks for your comment. I am glad it worked. Regarding the mirror list error, the best solution to fix that error is to use Reflector https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Reflector Reflector will generate the mirror list for you. I showed how to use it in this older video https://youtu.be/GKdPSGb9f5s?t=60


I am really looking forward to attempting an Arch install. Still in research mode. ALU is one of my Linux Jedis. This looks like a perfect tutorial for me, comments included. A couple comments will be key in my build. Thanx all.


Hi, after going through this tutorial everthing is working ;-) the last command (To test whether your graphical environment works, run: “startX”) has to be written “startx” to start my cinnamon-desktop (don't know if this helpful). cu airbutre


This is the very first time I am attempting Arch Linux. I am a Distro-hopper since 2006 but never had the interest to try Arch Linux. I have used Chakra Antergos RevengeOS and other variants of Arch. You are the inspiration to make me try Arch Linux directly.. article is not perfect in a sense that it covers does not everything, example it needs extra configuration to install alongside windows 10 in a UEFI GPT setup otherwise the boot menu will not show Win 10. Anyway that's alright as long as you decide to take your time to master it. Thank you ALU. I am a fan of your YouTube channel.


You forgot to add ntfs-3g in the list of apps. without that you start to wonder why my drive is not opening. the good thing is Arch takes care of the dependencies and kernel config automatically with sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g.

Josh Freeno

Oh. Lol I forgot I had already requested stuff from you. Well I have learned a whole lot since then. Don;t forget to add a hook to systemd boot so that boot gets updated. Thats the most important thing. It is in systemd wiki.

Josh Freeno

sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service Also I have installed Arch 2 times in past 5 months and the system time is never right when I use this method so I started waiting until I reboot and just before I start graphical enviroment I use sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago and then hwclock –systohc –utc and my time is correct ans stays correct so I don't know what is going on with the setting the link way but it never works out for me and as matter of fact one time it messed me all the way up. Another thing is you do not have to do this the xinit way. It can be done two ways or more but these work. echo “exec startxfce4” > ~/.xinitrc sudo systemctl enable lightdm sudo systemctl enable lightdm sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target Systemd boot is much better for me and for users only using Linux then systemd boot should be what is used. It is simple to install and after that that you can install LTS kernel and use mainline as fallback.

Josh Freeno

Can we have a little more detail and systemd boot install because I have been using it on antergos and loving it. I am bout ready to make the switch to full Arch though. Make sure if you do systemd boot to include intel-ucode and tell users to go to arch wiki after install for the directions to set the hook to update systemd boot automatically.


In the graphic relating to the [b/]pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel[/b] coomand you truncate the graphic before the next prompt. What should a novice do with this prompt? I'm giving up at this point. Attention to detail is important because this oversight suggests there will be others. You have worked really hard but it's still not good enough.


Hi! In the video you did “grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg” also for the UEFI installation, but for this tutorial you only do it for the legacy installation. Also in the file /boot/efi/startup.nsh you wrote : bcfg boot add 1 fs0:\EFI\GRUB\grubx64.efi “My GRUB bootloader” … but in the image you put : bcf boot add 1 fs0:\EFI\GRUB\grubx64.efi “My GRUB bootloader” Which one is the correct? Thank you for your tutorial! You rock!

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